Sloflo World Community Blog

2 minutes Face and Neck Exercises when You Need a Break - SLOFLO World

2 minutes Face and Neck Exercises when You Need...

Face and neck exercise aim to strengthen and relax the muscles to enhance tone and functionality. According to a study published in the Journal of the Anatomical Society of India, certain facial...

2 minutes Face and Neck Exercises when You Need...

Face and neck exercise aim to strengthen and relax the muscles to enhance tone and functionality. According to a study published in the Journal of the Anatomical Society of India, certain facial...

How to Start a Meditation Practice - The Sankalpa Project

How to Start a Meditation Practice

Congratulations! You’ve decided to begin a meditation practice. You’ve heard all the benefits of starting one, like, it increases the immune system, it shrinks the areas of the brain associated...

How to Start a Meditation Practice

Congratulations! You’ve decided to begin a meditation practice. You’ve heard all the benefits of starting one, like, it increases the immune system, it shrinks the areas of the brain associated...

Tips for Finding some Comfort and Control in your World Right Now - The Sankalpa Project

Tips for Finding some Comfort and Control in yo...

"If the foundation is solid, when the storm hits, the building may sway ...but it will not fall" What is your "foundation" made of? Is it made of sand or...

Tips for Finding some Comfort and Control in yo...

"If the foundation is solid, when the storm hits, the building may sway ...but it will not fall" What is your "foundation" made of? Is it made of sand or...

Shoulder Opening Practice - The Sankalpa Project

Shoulder Opening Practice

If you've got tight shoulders and want strong arms your going to want to bookmark these for later.⠀ ⠀These stretches help really  and release the shoulders and strengthen the arms.⠀...

Shoulder Opening Practice

If you've got tight shoulders and want strong arms your going to want to bookmark these for later.⠀ ⠀These stretches help really  and release the shoulders and strengthen the arms.⠀...

Intentions, Energy,  & Follow Through - The Sankalpa Project

Intentions, Energy, & Follow Through

You've heard the hype about "Intentions" but what does it actually mean to set intentions for yourself? How are you going to follow through with them? Hi, I'm Sabrina Savoy...

Intentions, Energy, & Follow Through

You've heard the hype about "Intentions" but what does it actually mean to set intentions for yourself? How are you going to follow through with them? Hi, I'm Sabrina Savoy...



Someone once asked me: “What do you do for a living?” My response: “I’m raising the vibration of humanity.” As a Reiki Master, there likely isn’t anything that sounds too...


Someone once asked me: “What do you do for a living?” My response: “I’m raising the vibration of humanity.” As a Reiki Master, there likely isn’t anything that sounds too...